Expanding Educational Horizons for Dental Professionals
The Institute for Dental Compliance and Risk Management is pleased to announce two exciting milestones in our young company’s history. Just in time for our second anniversary, our Institute credentials have just been approved by the USPTO–a testament to the kind of difference we’ve made for the dental industry.
The Institute provides three levels of education for dental professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills in the areas of OSHA, HIPAA, and Risk Management.
“As the Practice Administrator, my Doctors rely on me to make sure we are in compliance with HIPAA and OSHA,” said Practice Administrator Barb Houser. “I gained a better understanding of what the HIPAA and OSHA compliance expectations are.”
Offering a self-paced independent curriculum coupled with credentialing exams, the Institute has helped numerous dental professionals obtain the certifications and credentials necessary to keep them knowledgeable, well-informed and proficient in the world of regulatory compliance.
“As the OSHA Compliance Officer of my dental office it was unclear what was truly required for the position until I completed the OSHA 301 program through the Institute,” said Kelli Lipthrott.
The Institute serves a greater good to the dental industry by providing credentials necessary for ensuring professionals nationwide have the information they need to serve as effective compliance officers.
“As a newly appointed Security and Privacy officer for my company and a compliance administrator, I needed the confidence and knowledge to handle the responsibilities,” said Linda Childress.
The Institute’s mission is to advance compliance proficiency throughout dentistry by (1) elevating regulatory knowledge and skills, (2) connecting like-minded professionals who want to network, share and collaborate, and (3) inspiring dental profenssionals to become credentialed in regulatory compliance.